Lives and works in New York, NY

Jake Couri creates sculptural objects to cultivate new modes of communication, meticulously manipulating symbols and patterns found in contemporary manufacturing technologies. Etched with a subtle resemblance to the human form, the works emerge as futuristic depictions of an enigmatic lexicon. Utilizing materials evocative of flesh, Couri embeds traces of living organisms, minerals, and herbs into the engraved channels, reminiscent of nutrients flowing through the bloodstream. His otherworldly compositions, indicative of ancient hieroglyphs or celestial crop circles, beckon viewers to decode the constant flux of our physical selves.

Leveraging CGI software, Jake extends his inquiry into digital realms, crafting avatars that serve as conduits for deeper introspection into the human condition. His narratives often center around proxy characters, serving as reflections of self, embarking on journeys drawn from a rich tapestry of historical and imagined sites. In their quest for resolution, protagonists grapple with issues of identity, moral quandaries, and plights of the ego as they navigate the blurred boundaries between reality and imagination. Echoing the ever-shifting dynamics of the virtual domain, Jake invites viewers to ponder the malleability of our digital existence and its profound impact on the human psyche.